Alp Karakuzu
Mechanical Engineering & Electrical-Electronics Engineering Student
Studying Mechanical Engineering as Major Program and Electrical-Electronics Engineering as Double Major Program at Gazi University.
I've been working in VECIHI Rocket Team as Mechanical Team Member for approximately 10-11 months. As VECIHI Rocket Team, we aim to do the degree at TEKNOFEST Rocket Competition.
Also working in BELGER Biotechnology Team as Team Leader for approximately 5-6 months. As BELGER Biotechnology Team, we're going to develop a new device using soundwaves to annihilate cancer cells particularly brain cells. Additionally, BELGER Biotechnology Team have participated AAKRUTI Global 2024 Competition via by Dassault Systèmes.
About myself: Aiming to learn something to improve myself, improve my skills in engineering, and working with new
technologies nearly every day. Learning design programs as a hobby as well as my profession.

31.08.2022 - Present
Bachelor of Science
GPA: 3.59 / 4.00
Gazi University – Ankara
/ Mechanical Engineering
23.09.2024 - Present
Bachelor of Science / Electrical-Electronics Engineering
GPA: 3.42 / 4.00
Gazi University – Ankara
​(Double Major Program)

14.08.2020 – 02.07.2021
High School
Sehit Erhan Dural Anatolian High School – Ankara
14.08.2017 – 02.07.2020
High School
15 Temmuz Sehitleri Anatolian High School – Agrı
27.12.2023 - Present
Mechanical Team Member
VECIHI Rocket Team - Ankara

Designing interior and exterior of the rocket on SolidWorks and OpenRocket.
Rendering parts and assembly of the rocket on SolidWorks Visualize.
Making technical drawings accordance to the ISO standarts.
Making animations and explode demonstrations on SolidWorks and SolidWorks Visualize.
3D printing for several parts of the rocket.
Preparing of FMEA report datas.
23.06.2024 - Present
Team Leader
BELGER Biotechnology Team - Ankara

Non-radioactive and selective cancer shatternation treatment
Developing a device using soundwaves to shatter cancer cells
Suitable treatment for many types of cancer, includings organs covered by bone tissue


